Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

2013 turned into an amzing year for the Millers. We added sweet Brottain to the family, got our backyard completed again,  began wood working,  updated our home, and spent time with friends and family.

For new years eve we actually went to a friends home to bring in 2014. We played games, ate great food, and spent time with amazing friends. Here are a couple of pictures.

Before you ask I have no resolutions. I have goals for the year that are set way before new years eve. Here are some.

Need a new job for me
Start Masters at University of Arizona
Teach Chase ABC's
Teach Chase count
Blake to tie shoes
Blake ride his bike without training wheels
Brittain's first birthday
Brittain to sit, crawl and walk :(
Not take any of time I have with my beautiful family for granted

The last one seems obvious but I think I could do better. Lately at work I have had some serious,  sad and sudden change for my patients. These changes came from healthy patients and without any warning life changed for good. Love your family and your kids like this could be the last moment with them, because it could be.